Friday, September 5, 2014

Hi Again...

Sorry for having been gone so long, I started this and then couldn't keep up. But now I'm back and what  a whirl it has been.
It amazes me every time to see how far I've come from when I wrote the first few posts. I have grown physically, emotionally, sexually (ahem) and spiritually.
I see myself between today and the time I started this blog and I think the past would have been amazed by the life I've had since.
Almost all of my wishes have been granted and I'm working on remaining few and I've a whole bag of new wishes, which now I believe, will come true in their own time.

I understand myself and the world better now and also the confusions and dreadings I put myself through. Growing up like this is so much fun and I hope to continue.

So summing all the bullshit up, I'm back!!!