Monday, January 14, 2013

No one knows what it's like to be the bad man
to be the sad man behind dark eyes
and no one knows what it's like to be hated
to be faded to telling only lies

Why do we hide our true nature from people? Why is sexuality such a shunned topic? You mention something even remotely related and awkward glances are cast  over you. Sex, Desire, Lust...all so natural emotions yet so kept so private.
Is that what our society is? animals pretending to be sophisticated, mature, well-behaved, superficially
Homosexuality is all fine with everybody unless its in their faces in the form of someone they know and then its an abnormality. Why do we have to come out of the closet taking all the risks and gathering all the courage, why is there a closet in the first place? Everybody should be allowed to love whatever gender they like... All agree but the moment its somebody they know, friend, brother, son, or even father, its all awkward and people try to cure you from "being gay".
I guess its something to do with being different than others, Parents, friends, relatives, all try to force you to be "normal", ordinary, common when you should be proud of your uniqueness. Surely, its nobody's business where you like to put your dick, but you get judged, treated, bullied for being gay. This behaviour is similar to jocks bullying a nerd in high school. How can we call ourselves mature behaving like this?

I know, change is coming, its a lot easier to be gay now than it was 10 years ago and it will be a lot lot easier 10 years from now but we are still far from a closet-less society.
It takes a lot of time to change basic human nature, but hey, charity begins at home, So treat everybody, straight, gay, bi, and also, trans, lesbian etc like you would treat anyone. We want no special treatment. All of us are unique in so many ways other than our sexuality, its what makes us special, so let everybody enjoy it. Its not easy to change the well-established point of view but change your mind and it will surely contribute. 
No one should have to lie to fit into society.

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